Babylon Bee (Satire)

Harris Campaign Admits Tim Walz Was The Only Candidate That Answered Their Craigslist Ad

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Sources within the Harris campaign have recently admitted under condition of anonymity that Tim Walz was only chosen as Kamala's running mate because he was the only candidate who answered the Craigslist ad.

Posted on 7 September 2024 | 5:32 pm

Americans Unanimously Agree To Vote For Whichever Candidate Stops Sending Them Campaign Donation Text Messages

PHILADELPHIA, PA — Americans on both sides of the political divide have finally united under a single issue: every single American in the United States has agreed to vote for whichever candidate stops sending them campaign donation text messages first.

Posted on 7 September 2024 | 3:48 pm

'Maybe We Took A Wrong Turn Somewhere,' Thinks Party Whose Candidate Just Got Endorsed By Dick Cheney And Vladimir Putin

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Insiders within the party that just had its candidate endorsed by Vladimir Putin and Dick Cheney report that its voters are starting to wonder if perhaps they took a wrong turn somewhere.

Posted on 7 September 2024 | 3:40 pm

Kamala Quietly Asks Aides If She Should Just Try Sleeping With The Economy

U.S. — Vice President Kamala Harris was seen by several witnesses this week ask aides if maybe she should try sleeping with the United States economy.

Posted on 7 September 2024 | 11:09 am